I have to be at work at 7:00am. I roll out of bed at 4:30am. I eat a banana, 7 saltines and 12 ounces of water. I put on my running togs and walk out my door at 5:00am. I run the same route (boring) each morning. I wave to the breakfast crowd (person) at Frank's. I give a shout out to the Austin Peay campus police at the same place every day.
Somewhere near my apartment, there are 2 guys that are equally consistent in their routine. Around the mile 4 mark, they come driving toward me. They give me a little honk of the horn. They also lean toward the passenger window and give me a big thumbs up. It's kind of freaky how often this happens and at the same place. It throws off my rhythm for the day when I don't see them.