Saturday, June 12, 2010

baseball fever....

The Austin American Statesman ran a front page story this morning on a 91 year old fan of the University of Texas that has been keeping score of every baseball game for the past 26 years. She does it in person or listens to the game on the radio. They included this picture of her in action at the game that was held on Friday afternoon. The real story, however, is that true baseball fan that is seated a few seats down from her.
It's playoff time for college baseball. Texas is playing TCU in the best of 3 series in Austin. Because of television, they are playing each game in the afternoon. A good friend of mine thought it was more important to celebrate his 20th wedding anniversary in Napa Valley so he gave me the tickets. He's getting drunk and I'm on the front page of the paper.
My SPF 100 sunscreen isn't working. I'm a tad red after 2 afternoons in the sun. The series final is tomorrow afternoon. I hope I survive. I need to get one of those burnt orange shirts. I stick out in the crowd.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

a souffle by any other name...

I had a few lemons in the cooler so I went searching for a dessert. I came up with a frozen souffle. I've never been a big fan of a regular souffle. I don't think that they're much of a dessert and making them seems like more trouble then they're worth. The frozen version was much simpler.
A frozen souffle is basically a mousse (meringue, flavoring and whipped cream) that is frozen. You get the souffle, or risen, effect by wrapping something firm around the souffle cup and filling it with mousse. I used a strip of cellophane that extended above the top of the cup. After freezing, the wrapping is removed and the frozen souffle appears to have risen. The happy thought is that it isn't as likely to fall as a regular souffle!
The consistency isn't as smooth as good ice cream but it is still a nice summer dessert. I think I'll flavor the next ones with liqueurs. That should put me in the party spirit.