in the vale of old otsego...
I've always been a gadget geek so one of the the neatest things that I received at orientation was our tool kit. I don't know what half the stuff is used for but it's still cool. As you can see from the picture, I haven't unwrapped everything yet. What is seen in the photo is maybe a third of the goodies that were included in the carrying case. One problem is that everyone in class got the same kit so everything will look the same. I have decided to mark my items with electrical tape. If you look at the handle of the whisk, you can see that I've selected orange and black as my gang colors. ....on the shores of glimmerglass; stands our noble alma mater, dear to every lad and lass.... I can't remember what I had for dinner two nights ago but I can still remember Cooperstown High School's alma mater. Freaky.