wishy washy about cheesecake...
I'm kind of ambivalent about cheesecake. I don't scan the dessert menu in search of cheesecake. It seems a little too filling after a big dinner. On the other hand, if you wait a while after dinner, a good piece of cheesecake with a strong cup of coffee has always hit the spot for me. They are also tricky to make but I took the challenge this weekend. I scaled the recipe down and made a 6" New York style cheesecake with a layer of chocolate flavoring in the middle. The top didn't crack, the center didn't sink and I was able to get it out of my ring mold (I don't believe in those spring form pans). I'll make a point to swirl the middle layer of chocolate on my next one but I consider it a success. Excuse me while I go brew a fresh pot of coffee....