excuse me boy...is that the chattanooga choo choo?...
This week was sculpted cakes and the theme was toys. I went with the Fisher-Price locomotive. It has some issues but if you use your imagination, it looks like a train. It consists of 2 dense white cakes that were sliced in 3 layers with buttercream between each layer. From there we sculpted the cakes and covered them with rolled fondant. I stood my cake on its side and shaped it in order to give it some height. We air brushed on the color. I got all artistic and tried to give it a dirty, sooty look which my instructor didn't care for it. Toys aren't sooty! The railroad crossing sign looks like it was rushed to meet the deadline (I barely made it). The track is sitting on a bed of crushed oreo cookies. I wish I had time to put some detail on the main body but there it is.