I had my normal "night before something new" angst last night and couldn't fall asleep. I won't know how to do anything, I won't know where anything is, I'll screw something up, I'll get in the way, I'll ask a really stupid question, I'll measure out 5 pounds of salt instead of 5 ounces, blah, blah, blah.
Summary - I give myself a C for the first day. I stumbled around and took longer to do things than I should but it was a good start. The atmosphere of the kitchen is great and the staff is wonderful. It's hard work but so far, no regrets.
I was beat when I got home but I wanted to try out my new routine of running after work. I had always run in the morning and then gone to work. For the most part, that meant going to a desk and sitting after the run. Today was 8 hours straight on my feet and then running. I did a little over 7 miles which in hindsight was a little ambitious. I'm going to scale it back a little until I get more accustomed to it. I'm blaming it on age.