I have 3 weeks left in the externship. This upcoming week is spring break so technically it's not part of the externship. South by Southwest is a large music festival that takes place in Austin during spring break so the hotel is super busy. I don't have any plans so I've decided to work during the week. Apparently, music hipsters like breakfast danishes and bar food. This includes focaccia sandwiches, sliders and pita sandwiches, all of which is an adventure to make. You haven't lived until you've made 400 slider buns. It turns out that before labor laws were enacted, kids in the 1890's were forced to shape slider buns which explains their happy disposition. Giggle.The work continues to be rewarding but hard. I did manage to put in 6 miles after work today. The weather in Austin is ideal this week. It is in the 40's in the morning and the 70's in the afternoon. I still have Sunday and Monday off each week. Having stores, roads and restaurants to myself on Mondays is fun. It's a great day to have off.