picked up Emily from school at 5:00pm on 9/14 and she had a bit of a stomach ache. By 7:00pm she was doubled over in pain. I suspected food poisoning but her doctor suggested we take her to the Emergency Room. After an hour of "take a number and wait", they slipped her into a CAT scan machine and announced that she had appendicitis. Then the pain medication kicked in and off she went into a dopey haze. At 9:00am the next morning, she had surgery and within 30 minutes she was in the recovery room. This picture is around noon and it's her post operative popsicle. All she had were 3 small laparoscopic incisions that were sealed with super glue. She went back to school the following week sans appendix. Pretty amazing.We are collecting the bills and we are playing The Price is Right on the total amount. My favorite one so far is $859 for "emergency evaluation and management services". Giggle