night running....
I've been a downtown resident for a month now. I have learned some running routes and they change from week to week. I add a block here and there as I become familiar with the hood. I have a 7:00am meeting every day so I roll out of bed at 4:30 and strap on the shoes for a 5:00am start. My latest route takes me on a loop of downtown, a loop on the Austin Peay campus and then a loop south of my apartment. It sounds like a lot but it's only 6 miles. I never see another runner out and about. I'm not sure if it's because Clarksville doesn't have much of a running scene or if it's too damn early. I am starting to recognize people out walking. Those that are out walking at 5:30am are pretty friendly. One guy shouted out "Hey - I saw you last week." Indeed, he did. I run by an all night diner downtown. The cook and the regulars watch me run by and I wave. It feels like the Forrest Gump movie when Forrest runs by the barber shop and everybody swivels to watch him go by. "Look at that fool...."