driving me crazy...
I have a couple of observations about Clarksville drivers. On the one hand, a yellow light means stop. In Austin, if you stopped for a yellow light, you would be rear ended. I think it was a function of the traffic. The frustration level really grows when the traffic is creeping and it seems you are just going from light to light. You get to the point that a yellow or red light wasn't going to get in the way of progress. You start to drive accordingly for defensive purposes. When I first arrived here, I would speed up when I saw a yellow. I would look in my rearview mirror and see everybody stopped - even the people in the neighboring lanes that were a little ahead of me. I have adapted. On the other hand, it seems like no one drives in this town without a phone in their ear. Hands free technology hasn't made it to this part of Tennessee. I will admit that I will chat now and then so I really don't know what my point is! I just thought it was an interesting item.