something doesn't add up....
I returned to central Texas for the Thanksgiving holiday. I flew in on Saturday and my plan was to drive back the following Saturday. I rented a Penske "box" truck and transported back a bed, yard care equipment, kitchen stuff, books and house tools. Mapquest said that it would take 13 hours and 38 minutes to drive the 861 miles. I left at 1:15pm on Saturday and spent the night in Little Rock - arriving at 10:30pm. I was back on the road at 7:30am and rolled into my driveway at 2:00pm. That's 15 hours and 30 minutes. Hopefully I'll never make that drive again but if I do, I'm determined to figure out where I'm losing 2 hours. There was a traffic jam in Temple and Dallas but I don't think it added more than 30 minutes. It's a mystery...