Sunday, July 14, 2013

independence day....

One of my favorite things about Austin are the neighborhood 4th of July parades.  I don't even know if they have a big parade down Congress Avenue but if they do, I prefer the smaller events. 
I live in the Barton Hills area of Austin and our parade runs along Barton Hills Dr.  Everyone that wants to be in the parade meets at a neighborhood store parking lot and then follows the fire truck to the elementary school.  There is always a grand marshall (elderly resident) that rides in a convertible and waves to the spectators.  The majority of the parade is made up of kids riding bikes that have been decorated in red, white and blue streamers.  There are always a couple of floats (truck pulling a trailer) with kids throwing candy to the crowd.
The route is just down the hill from me.  I take a mug of coffee, walk down the hill, sit on a curb and collect as much candy as I can and watch the parade go by.  I'm already looking forward to next year.