Thursday, November 29, 2012

pudd'nhead ......

I'm pushing two years of solitary living in middle Tennessee.  I could point out some good things about living alone but it's really not much fun.  I do have less laundry and planning meals is much easier but it doesn't compensate for being an army of one.
There is, however, one good point and I say this with a selfish tongue in cheek.  I make chocolate pudding from scratch - milk, chocolate, corn starch and sugar.  It is really good and I don't have to share it with anybody. giggle.
I've never read Pudd'nhead Wilson but I've always liked the title.  A quick look at Wikipedia told me that Pudd'nhead is thought by the townspeople to be of low intelligence.  I've never interacted with townspeople here so they have no reason to believe that I'm not of low intelligence.  He's a bookkeeper and his hobby is collecting fingerprints.  I don't collect fingerprints but I sure do enjoy my pudding.  I'm a modern day pudd'nhead.