Wednesday, January 26, 2011

where am i?.......

I left central Michigan this morning from the MBS airport. MBS services the Midland, Bay City, Saginaw tri-city area. The route home goes from MBS to Detroit and then to Nashville. I was in Michigan for the past 10 days and I shivered for the first 3. No matter what I did or how I dressed, I couldn't warm up. The single digit temperatures during the day didn't help but I eventually got used to it.
As the plane popped out of the clouds over Nashville this morning, everything down below was white. It felt like I was back in Michigan. I got in around noon and headed for Clarksville. The happy news is that all of northwestern Tennessee had cancelled work and school so I had the roads to myself. The picture to the right was along Interstate 24 on the way to Clarksville. It was really pretty but it was disorienting to see so much snow.
Note - I admit that I took the picture while I was driving. At least I wasn't texting. Plus the roads were empty.