Saturday, June 25, 2011

trash talk.....

In the spirit of government staying out of peoples business, there isn't any citywide garbage collection services in Clarksville. People can select a company to pick up their trash or if they are really industrious, they can make frequent runs to "collection centers". My apartment complex has a couple of dumpsters discreetly tucked away. There are benefits to apartment living.
There is also no citywide recycling effort. The collection centers have designated dumpsters for plastics, paper, glass and paper. I have a big shopping bag in my pantry that I throw recyclables in. Every two weeks, I make the trek to the collection center. My favorite experience while I was out recycling happened a month ago. A school bus pulled in and a bunch of armed guards got out. A stream of inmates made their way to the trash and recycling bins. It turns out that some folks in Montgomery County are doing their part for a healthier planet.