"What do the Danish call danishes, Alex." The French don't call fries french fries and the Danish don't call danishes danishes. Wienerbrod is Dutch for Vienna Bread which is where most of the recipes came from. The spice cardamon, which is in all danish dough is originally from Denmark, hence the name, danish.
The dough is relatively easy to make but perfecting the shapes will take some practice. But, for my first attempt, you can probably pick out the pinwheel danish. Those rectangular danishes are tasty. The one with the heavy powder sugar has chocolate in the center. The other one has almond cream in it.
Croissant dough is very similar to danish dough so we did those as well. These are Croissant au Beurre (in butter). Tomorrow is a taste comparison using shortening or cream cheese as substitutes for butter. I'm already guessing that butter will be my fat of choice.